Pierwsze kroki

Istnieją dwa sposoby uzyskania lechef: klon git lub pobieranie zip. Jeśli masz git installed, getting lechef source code is simple as going to command line, change directory to where you want the code to be downloaded (git will, by default, make a subdirectory called lechef), and cloning the lechef repository by typing the command

git clone https://github.com/vkaravir/lechef.git

Now you have the lechef code in the lechef directory.

If you don't have git installed, you can download a ZIP file of the code and unzip it.

Whichever way you got the code, the important directories are build where the lechef JavaScript and CSS files are, and libs which contains the required JS libraries. lechef does depend on jQuery, jQuery-UI, and Snap.svg.

To get started, read on, or, check the examples in the (awesomely named) examples directory. They do look like crap, but that's to keep the code simple and clean (and not because I'm lazy or anything :) ).

Circuit design exercise

The circuit design exercise requires the learner to build a logic circuit matching the assignment description. Typically, this would be the truth table or Boolen expression describing the circuit. While this type of assignment is more difficult to the learner than the simulation exercise, the configuration of this type is quite straightforward. The exercise is initialized with the CircuitExercise constructor. Here's the initialization of an exercise:

var exer = new CircuitExercise({element: $("#design-example"),
                                input: ["x", "y"],
                                output: "g",
                                grading: [{input: {x: true, y: false}, output: true},
                                          {input: {x: false, y: true}, output: false},
                                          {input: {x: true, y: true}, output: false},
                                          {input: {x: false, y: false}, output: false}],
                                components: ["and", "not", "or", "eqv"],
                                addSubmit: false });
And here's the resulting exercise:

The first thing to note is that lechef doesn't generate any kind of assignment description. That's your job to do when you include an exercise into any HTML page.

Let's go through the options, one by one.

  • element - The DOM element where the logic circuit and the buttons to create components should be added.
  • input - An array of names (so, strings) of the inputs of the circuit.
  • output - The name of the output of the circuit, again, a string.
  • components - An array of strings for the components to be available for the student. Defaults to ["and", "not", "or"]. The available components are and, nand, or, nor, xor, eqv, and not.
  • addSubmit - Whether or not to add a Submit button to the toolbar. Defaults to true.
  • grading - An array of input - output values that the constructed circuit should match. Essentially, this is the truth table of the circuit. Each item in the array should have properties input and output. The input property should be an object with properties for each of the input names and values for the values of the inputs. The output property should be the expected output value with the inputs. The values should all be booleans, so either true or false.
  • lang - The language used, as an ISO language code. Defaults to en for English. The other supported language is Finnish (fi). Can you tell I'm Finnish :)

Circuit Simulation exercise

In the circuit simulation exercise, the learner is given a logic circuit and the input values are fixed and given. The exercise requires the learner to set the values of all the inputs and outputs of the components in the circuit to the correct values. This is done by toggling the values with mouse clicks.

Depending on the circuit, the exercise can be a bit cumbersome to create, since it requires creating the circuit by coding. A circuit is initialized with the LogicCircuit constructor. This instance is used to build the circuit (using the API described below). The exercise itself is initialized with the CircuitSimulationExercise constructor. Here's the initialization of a exercise:

var circuit = new LogicCircuit({element: $("#first-example")});
var andComp = circuit.andComponent({left: 250, top: 60});
var in1 = circuit.inputComponent("x", {left: 50, top: 10});
var in2 = circuit.inputComponent("y", {left: 50, top: 110});
var out = circuit.outputComponent("f", {left: 400, top: 65});
andComp.inputComponent(0, in1);
andComp.inputComponent(1, in2);
out.inputComponent(0, andComp);

var simulation = new CircuitSimulationExercise(circuit, {input: {x: true, y: false}});
And here's the resulting exercise:

The options of the CircuitSimulationExercise constructor are:

  • input - The values for the input components which the learner should simulate the circuit with. This should be an object with properties matching the labels of the input components and the values booleans.
  • lang - The language used, as an ISO language code. Defaults to en for English. The other supported language is Finnish (fi).


At the heart of the API is the LogicCircuit type. It has functions to add the supported components to the circuit, such as .andComponent for adding an AND gate. The objects returned by these functions are then connected with their .inputComponent function. All the functions crucial for specifying the circuit for a circuit simulation exercise are briefly described below.


Initializes a new lechef logic circuit. The only options supported :

  • element - The DOM element where the logic circuit should be added.



These two functions create an input and output component (guess which one is which). They both take the label used for the component. This really should be a one-character label in order to properly fit inside the component.








The above functions create the components that you can most probably deduce from the name of the component.

component.inputComponent(inputNbr, component)

All the functions to create a component return an instance of the component. All the objects have the inputComponent function to specify where the input for the component is coming from. The inputNbr is the position of the input (zero-based, top-to-bottom) and the component is another component object, the output of which will be the input for this component. In the example above, the andComp gets as its input 0 the input component with label x and as input 1 the input component with label y.

More Examples?

I'm working on creating a more versatile set of examples.. But won't make any promises on when they might arrive :)

Want to Use lechef For "Something Else"?

Using the lechef circuit API, you can create logic circuit visualizations. Also, the editor used in the design exercises could be used to create circuits in other contexts as well. Check the src/js/circuits.js and src/js/circuit-editor.js for the source code of those parts.